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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Back in the Day

In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that she should bring her own grocery bag because plastic bags weren't good for the environment.  
The woman apologized to him and explained, "We didn't have the green thing back in my day."
The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. The former generation did not care enough to save our environment."

He was right, that generation didn't have the green thing in its day.
Back then, they returned their milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled.
But they didn't have the green thing back in  that customer's day.

In her day, they walked up stairs, because
they didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. They walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time they had to go two blocks.
But she was right. They didn't have the green thing in her day.

Back then, they washed the baby's diapers
   because they didn't have the throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts - wind  and solar power really did dry the clothes.
Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing.
But that old lady is right, they didn't have the green thing back in her day.

Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house - not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief, not a screen the size of the Province of Quebec. In the kitchen, they blended and stirred by hand because they didn't have electric machines to do everything  for you. When they packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, they used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.
   Back then, they didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power. They   exercised by working so they didn't need to go  to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.
But she's right, they didn't have the green thing back then.

They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water. They refilled their writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and they  replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull.
But they didn't have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus
and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in   space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful the old folks were just because they didn't have the green thing back then?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Love means

What Love means to a 4-8 year old...

Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it.

Touching words from the mouth of babes..

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds ,

'What does love mean?'

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined

See what you think:

'When my grandmother got arthritis , she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore.. So my grandfather does it for her all the time , even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'

Rebecca- age 8

'When someone loves you , the way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'

Billy - age 4

'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'

Karl - age 5

'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'

Chrissy - age 6

'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'

Terri - age 4

'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him , to make sure the taste is OK.'

Danny - age 7

'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing , you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that.
They look gross when they kiss'

Emily - age 8

'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents
And listen.'

Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

'If you want to learn to love better , you should start with a friend who you hate , '

Nikka - age 6
(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt , then he wears it everyday.'

Noelle - age 7

'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.'

Tommy - age 6

'During my piano recital , I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.

He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.'

Cindy - age 8

'My mommy loves me more than anybody
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.'

Clare - age 6

'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'

Elaine-age 5

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford .'

Chris - age 7

'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'

Mary Ann - age 4

'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.'

Lauren - age 4

'When you love somebody , your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image)

Karen - age 7

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross..'

Mark - age 6

'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it , you should say it a lot. People forget.'

Jessica - age 8
And the final one

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry , the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard , climbed onto his lap , and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor , the little boy said ,

'Nothing , I just helped him cry'

author unknown

Monday, May 9, 2011

Reggie's Dedication

Reggie Was Some Pig!

Reggie was some pig, in her short life she accomplished more than most people I have known. Because of her short time on this Earthly plane there are many other Potbellied pigs that are still able to enjoy the companionship of their families, and friends. They can still curl up in their blankies, and get belly rubs safe in their homes where they belong.
She is the dear soul directly responsible for me, Becky DiNolfi becoming involved so deeply in the zoning cases for the companion pig.

All because I never wanted anyone to take my piggy girls away from me, I have become one of the main activists in the world for the right to have a potbellied pig as a companion animal. The fight to keep Potbellied pigs and other miniature pigs as companion animals in the home still goes on every day somewhere in this country. A country who claims we are free...

Well Reggie and I are here now to tell you, we are not free to have a potbellied pig as a companion in most places in this country so the fight goes on. More cases are coming in as I write this dedication to my special little girl.

Reggie was the bigger than life advocate for the pet Potbellied pig as a companion animal and therapy pet partner. She did countless hours of community service, and therapy work. She was up front, and present in many zoning cases. She was the good will ambassador for all pigs, and their families.

She brought smiles to many sad faces. She helped many children, and adults alike have something special to talk about. She was able to turn the tables on the myth that pigs are dirty and stinky animals that only deserve to be served with mashed potatoes and gravy.
She was happy, and proud to be who she was, and do what she did. When she went out in public she always had to have her swine finery on. Something pretty around her neck or a special hat to adorn her little round Yoda head.

She had many honors given to her.

In May 1997 she was honored to be picked by Life Magazine as one of their Heroes in their special Hero Edition. She was there as big as life itself right along with Abe Lincoln, and Mother Teresa, John Wayne, and Colon Powell. My Reggie girl made it to the big time.

That year she got Honorable Mention from the Delta Society for her services as a therapy pet partner. She was also honored by Tommy Tomlinson, Representative of Pennsylvania. She went on to meet the Mayer of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, our Gov now.

Gov. Edward G Rendell whom we have kept in touch with all these many years later. He has kept the picture we gave him of the 3 of us in his office ever since we visited him in 1996.

She walked up and back down 67 steps in Philadelphia's City Hall to appear at the City council meeting to protest potbellied pigs not being allowed in the city of Philadelphia, Pa. We never did win that case these many years later.

Chanel 17 TV came out in the hall to interview us because we were not allowed in the council chambers.

She went along to appear at the Court house of Shelton CT for another zoning protest, and was kicked out of the court house when she tried to slip inside unnoticed.

She appeared on Americas Greatest Pets as well as all the different TV stations in the Philadelphia area doing pet therapy.

The Tokyo Broadcasting Co from Tokyo Japan came to our home, and filmed us for 2 days doing pet therapy at one of her nursing homes in the Levittown Pa. area.
Our Picture is also hanging in the Pennsylvania Art Museum in Harrisburg Pa. for the 50th Anniversary celebration of Levittown, Pa.

She has had many Random Act of Kindness awards issued to her by the Tri County Potbellied Pig Club.

Reggie and her sister Pepper have been attuned to the Master Level of Reiki for healing purposes. Anyone that touched Reggie or Pepper were instantly given Reiki healing. She was a Reiki Master.

She gave many hours of education to children and adults alike in schools, and libraries in Pennsylvania. She was able to teach them just how intelligent a pig really is. She learned her flash cards with gusto She knew how to spell. She knew her colors, she could do simple math. She knew the answers to all the problems. and I never once taught her an answer. I would ask her to spell mom and she would spell Becky. Reggie and I proved that animals could read minds. I would ask someone to pick a color card and not tell the color. She picked the right one every time.

She earned thousands of dollars for charities by doing Kiss-A-Pig contests for schools, and businesses.
She was the driving force for reading programs in local schools. Whichever class read the most books could get to pick the teacher that would kiss the pig, and that was Reggie.

Every where we went, weather it was to a park, or a flea Market, or just a walk around the camp ground where we stayed for 6 seasons, Reggie and Pepper were always giving therapy to all the people they met on the way.

They educated so many about the pros and cons of having a potbellied pig as a companion animal.

Reggie has left a legacy unsurpassed by any human that I have ever known or would ever hope to know in my life time.

She has given love, and healing every where she has gone, and to everyone she has touched.

She has taken me on one of the most amazing journeys of my life. As my dear friend Scott just said to me, "She was my Dragon, and I was her rider."

Psychic Ability:

Psychic Ability: How to have Visions
by Julia Jablonski

     Psychic ability is something we all possess to greater or lesser degrees, and it's something that can be consciously developed. Some people do have a an intuitive "gift," just as others may have gifts for art, mathematics, athletics, etc... Through focused desire and concentration, however, we can all enhance the abilities we were born with. Meditation is the most commonly prescribed practice for spiritual development and increased psychic awareness. The word "meditation," however, tends to be daunting to beginners. What is really needed is simply to get quiet and pay attention. "Visions" and other experiences of extraordinary awareness happen when we're hyper aware of subtle energies and influences. It has been said that genius is simply energy focused intensely and consistently on a certain matter. To become good at perceiving, then, we must practice getting quiet and paying intense attention to small stimuli and subtle energies.
     It's important to note that not everyone is visual by nature. There are three main modes of perceiving: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Those who are visual learn best by seeing, and think with pictures in their minds. Those who are auditory learn best by hearing, and "talk" to themselves more in their minds. Those who are kinesthetic learn best by doing, and tend to get "gut" feelings and to process experiences physically through movement or attention to their physical sensations. Just as we all have five physical senses, we all perceive through all three modalities, but most of us have a primary or favored way of perceiving life.
     As this article focuses on "visions," we're going to be working with visual perception. We can begin to "flex" our inner vision through some basic exercises. We'll begin by better seeing in our minds something in our physical experience. Pick a simple object like an orange, apple, banana, or even a book, a shoe, etc... Look around and grab something that "catches your eye."
     Now sit in front of the object and study it for a moment. Study its features, but then "step back" and just take it in as a whole. Now close your eyes and try to reproduce it mentally. Study it again, and then repeat the process of envisioning it within. Your inner vision should get crisper. Now close your eyes and simply envision color. Begin with red, and work your way up the color spectrum. See a splash of pure red, then imagine two or three objects that are red, then go back to seeing only the color. Then move to orange, then yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Take your time and try to move toward a sense of ease as you visualize the colors and objects.
     Now we're going to advance our inner vision skills by picturing someone we're presently close to. If you have children, you might pick your child's beloved face, but you can choose anyone you see on a daily basis, as long as it's someone whose face you know well. Close your eyes and try to recreate his or her visage in your mind. Spend as long as it takes until you get a crisp image. You'll find it easier if you try to remember a specific experience and picture that person as you saw them then.
     Now pick a person in your mind who you were once very close to, but whom you haven't seen for several years. Again, pick someone whose face you once knew very well, and try to recreate his or her image in your mind. You're likely to find yourself in a memory to do this, and that is fine. Get a very crisp image, and then choose someone you've not seen since childhood, and again recreate a clear image in your mind of this person's face.
     Now choose a person you're presently close to but who is at some distance from you. It may be your mother in a nearby city, a child at school, or even your sweetheart at work. Hold a vision of his or her face a moment, and then say to yourself, "Spirit, show me what they're doing." Then trust whatever pops into your mind. Remember that you're playing, experimenting and exercising here. Pay attention to what pops in, versus what your rational mind may reason out. For example, I just said, "Spirit, show me what my mother is doing," and I saw her reading in her bed. I then looked at the clock and thought it was too early for her to be in bed yet. There may be a tendency for you to want to guess first, and base what you see on that. Try to just allow images to pop up, and don't analyze them for now.
     Now that you have an image of someone and what they're doing, ask Spirit what they're thinking or feeling. Say, "How does this person feel?" As I do this with my mother, for example, I HEAR, "She's tired, and worried about your brother." I have no reason to think she'd be worried about my brother; now I'm starting to get some information that I would never have "guessed" at, but which must be coming from somewhere.
     If you're a very visual person, you may get symbols or other visual information. For example, you may see a happy face, or you may even see something like a sunflower or rainbow if you're being told "happy," or a storm cloud or the color red if the person is angry. At this point, your job is simply to allow perceptions in, and to ask more and more questions in order to interpret what you're shown. For example, you might see a sword, and then you would ask, "Does this mean she's angry?" You might then get a feeling of no or yes, or you may get other information that helps you to understand.
     You can set up a system with your own higher self for yes/no answers.
You might, for example, assign "to the left" the answer "no," and "to the right" the answer "yes." Then when you ask a question, if you're kinesthetic  you'll get a feeling of going left or right. If you're auditory, you might hear yes or no, and if you're visual, you might see a pointer going left or right in your mind. Use whatever symbol feels right to you.
     Now ask a simple question. You might ask, "Will it rain tomorrow?" and see what kind of answer you get. It's better, however, to ask a question you care about, for there will be more energy in the answer. However, if you're very attached to the answer being what you want it to be, you may have trouble remaining objective.
     Play with this approach, and allow yourself to get creative with it. Improvise, experiment, and above all, have fun with it. The bumpy and harrowing road is the one where we try to will ourselves into greater awareness. The smooth and easy path is one where we simply allow ourselves to play, and to trust what we're shown. Success is much easier to attain when we relax and allow.
     Of course, your beliefs and expectations will affect your experiences here, as they do in every aspect of your life. If you don't believe it's possible to develop psychically, you'll find it difficult or impossible. If, however, you believe anything is possible with the proper focus and energy, and you believe in magic, magic will flow over, under, around and through to find you.
 Julia Jablonski is an ordained Spiritualist minister, medium and clairvoyant. Please Visit Julia's website here: http://www.muse-net.com

The Great Invocation


From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth. 

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth. 

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve. 

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Gem Essences Liquid Crystal

Gem Essences Liquid Crystal

As I write this article I'm in the process of taking a gem essence of peridot. My dreams have been powerful and vivid; emotions and obsolete beliefs are coming up for healing and release; and I sense the departure of much psychic debris.
I've found gem essences to be one of the most powerful ways to work with crystals, and highly recommend this method to you.
The basic principle behind the use of gem essences is the same as that of flower essences: that the interaction of water and sunlight with the essential energy of crystals charges the water in which crystals are placed with their subtle energy. When you drink this water, that energy works to dissolve the blockages which promote the persistence of painful emotions and prevent personal and spiritual growth.
While you can buy commercially-prepared gem essences. I feel that, unlike flower essences, they are easy to make. This has to do with the differences between stones and flowers.
·      You don't have to grow the stone.
·      You don't have to decide when the stone is at its peak blossoming.
·      You don't need large quantities to make a gem essence.
Please Note: As with all practices relating to crystals, you may come across resources which have much more strict rules and regulations about preparing gem essences than those I follow. My philosophy is to find the simplest ways of doing something, and I've gotten excellent results with the methods I use.

How to Prepare An Essence
What You Need

1. A glass container filled with about 12 ounces of water. Many sources recommend using a glass dish. If you are going to be placing your essence outside be sure to cover it; otherwise you will be adding insect essences to your mixture. I prefer to use a glass jar with a lid. Any container you use should be sterilized.

2. Water. Distilled water is preferable because it's free of mineral content.

3. A crystal, which should be cleansed in salt water before being used. If you're going to make an essence which combines more than one crystal you can put them in the same container.

Basic Preparation

It may deepen your experience of making the essence to sit quietly in meditation for a few minutes before preparing it. It's usually not a good idea to prepare a mixture when you're upset, agitated, or in a hurry to do something else.

1. If the temperature is above freezing you can put the water outside. Leave it there for two to four hours (it doesn't matter if you leave it there for longer). If it's below freezing put the water in a sunny place in your house. Some sources say you can boil the crystals for fifteen minutes in water. I would rather not.

2. Take the crystals out of the water with sterilized tongs. Pour a small quantity of the water into a one-ounce amber dropper bottle. If you are not alcohol-sensitive put in a teaspoon of brandy to preserve it or put in the refrigerator. (During cold weather this isn't necessary. The brandy is mainly for the purpose of keeping plant life from growing inside the bottle). Store the remainder of the essence in the refrigerator.

3. I recommend taking four drops of the essence every four hours (excepting sleep time). It is best to take it before, rather than after, a meal. How long to take the mixture is up to you. I usually find that when I no longer need an essence, whether flower or gem, I find myself "forgetting" to take it.

What Crystals Can Be Used?

All of the crystals available at Beyond the Rainbow are safe for use in making gem essences. If you decide to use other crystals check them for the presence of arsenic or lead. A gem encyclopedia can give you this information, or you can most likely find it on the Web.
Some sources say that only mineral specimens (i.e., stones which have been neither cut nor polished) should be used. I prefer to use such stones, but often specimens are not available or not affordable. In such cases I've used tumbled stones with good results. When I do I use several tumbled stones to equal one specimen.
Whatever kind of stone you use, its quality is more important than its size. A crystal point, such as clear quartz, amethyst, or citrine, should have an unbroken termination, and the more clear it is the better. A tumbled stone should not be chipped or scratched.
Beyond these technical considerations, I feel that it's important that the crystals you use appeal to you intuitively. If you are, for example, drawn to the particular patterns or markings on a rhodonite, malachite, or moss agate, or have crystals which are special favorites, these will be powerful for you.

Combining Stones

You will find a list of the characteristics of about forty crystals and gemstones in Gems and Their Gifts to Us with links to more detailed descriptions of over twenty crystals.
To get you started, here are some combinations I've used:
For the experience of abundance in all ways: citrine, emerald, green tourmaline.
For the expansion of love: rose quartz (for loving oneself), rhodonite (for patience), rhodochrosite (for releasing any anxiety about opening the heart).
For opening up creativity: malachite, aquamarine, green fluorite.
For mental/emotional balance: moonstone, sodalite, moss agate.
When clear quartz is used in combination with any other stones its effect is to enhance the energies of those stones. This is also true of gem essences. My peridot essence, for example, was enhanced with a small clear quartz.
If you're wondering what peridot is for, it helps to release old beliefs and behavior patterns which no longer serve one.

Gem Essences and Flower Essences

Once you have your gem essence you can enhance it with complementary flower essences. Just put in two (for Bach Flower Remedies) or four (for FES) drops of the chosen flower essences into the mixture. This is a particularly nice way to blend the energies of flowers and crystals.
Here are some general complements
Anxiety: Rhodochrosite and Chamomile (FES) or Rescue Remedy (Bach)
Being Critical: Chrysocolla and Beech (Bach)
Concentration: Carnelian and Madia (FES)
Depression: Smoky Quartz and Gorse (Bach)
       Dream Work: Amethyst and Mugwort (FES)
Effective Communication: Turquoise and Trumpet Vine (FES)
Ending Procrastination: Rutilated Quartz and Blackberry (FES)
Guilt: Sugilite and Pine (Bach)
Meditation: Clear Quartz and Lotus (FES)
Mental/Emotional Balance: Sodalite and Scleranthus (Bach)
Patience: Rhodonite and Impatiens (Bach)
Self-esteem: Citrine and Larch (Bach)
Self-love: Rose Quartz and Holly (Bach)
Setting Appropriate Emotional Boundaries: Hematite and Pink Yarrow (FES)
By studying the characteristics of various crystals
you will come up with combinations uniquely suited to your individual needs.
Enjoy your adventures with gem essences.
 (Author unknown)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What You Resist Persists

What You Resist Persists

Re-member that Every thought you have, whether it be a conscious or subconscious thought eventually Manifests itself in Your Reality.
From Neale...
What you resist persists...

This is is a marvelous teaching from Conversations with God. It explains so many of the things that have happened in my life.
When I first received this wisdom, I did not understand it. I could not see why this had to be true. Now, with deeper understanding, I see that it would be impossible for it not to be true.
The whole saying from CwG is, "What you resist persists, and what you look at disappears. That is, it ceases to have its illusory form."This is true because the mind creates everything. Everything that is was first an idea, or a thought in someone's mind. You cannot think a thing without beginning the process of placing it in your reality. Conversely, a thing cannot appear in your reality that has not been thought of. Maybe you never thought of it, but I can guarantee you that, somewhere in the Collective Consciousness, it has been thought of.
Knowing that this is true helps us to understand that the act of resisting a thing actually places it there. You cannot push against something that is not there. When you think of the thing that you don't want, you place it in consciousness at a very high level, with plenty of energy. Negative energy, to be sure, but energy nonetheless.
Energy creates your reality.
Energy IS your reality, experienced through the receptor that you call your present body.
That is all that your body is. Your body is an energy receptor and an energy transmitter. It receives energy and it transmits energy - as does every physical thing in the universe. (And every non-physical thing as well.)Your body IS energy. It is an energy package, as is all of Life. When you resist a piece of incoming negative energy, you actually enlarge it, because what you are doing is adding your negative energy to the incoming negative energy.
The more you think badly about it, the more difficult you make it for it to be removed from your experience.
That is why all masters have taught some version of the statement, "Judge not, and neither condemn."They know that what you condemn, condemns you.
Don't shut your eyes to something you don't desire or choose. Open your eyes and look at it squarely. Remember that "what you look at disappears." That is, it ceases to have its illusory form.
Often we do this kind of "looking" after the fact. A "disaster" passes and we look at it again in retrospect, only to conclude that it was one of the best things that has ever happened to us.
The true master sees this possibility in everything. And the true master sees this in the moment of an occurrence, not in its aftermath.
Yet if we are not to resist anything, then what shall be our enlightened response to an experience, condition or circumstance that we do not consciously choose, that we do not prefer?
Conversations with God says that "gratitude is the attitude." It recommends that we thank God for all that appears in our life, no matter what. "I know that this experience is perfect for me now, or I would not now be having it. Thank you, God." That is a very powerful prayer. It announces that we know in advance what some people only come to know in retrospect: that all things happen for our highest good.
If we are confused about this it is because we have become confused about what is our highest good.
Let's take a concrete example. Let's explore the events of September 11, 2001. On that day, life as we were living it ended for all of us. Everything changed in a very profound way, and things will not be the same on this planet. Now, on the surface of it, it would seem as if this was a horrible disaster. Many people died and others suffered terribly. Only if we thought that all this occurred for some higher good could we possibly reconcile our feelings about all this. Only if continuing life as we were living it was not in our highest good could we begin to imagine that the September 11 events could make any sense in a benevolent universe. Yet if we thought that this was a wake-up call that was badly needed, and that the souls assigned to this task undertook their duties courageously, serving all of humankind, we would think of it in an entirely different way. But how can we go to that place when the higher good is not obvious to us?
Faith. Or, better yet, what Conversations with God calls "knowing."We can know that nothing-absolutely nothing-happens that is not for our highest good, providing us the tools with which to proceed with our process of evolution. Only when we stop resisting what happened there, and begin to truly look at it, can we see it for what it really is. Its illusory form disappears. Then we can work with the experience in a way which transforms our planet and transforms our lives.
We don't have to do this, of course. All of us have free will. And if those who choose not to do it are in the majority, our collective experience will be one thing, while if they are in the minority, it will be another.
If those who are in the majority keep resisting that which they call evil, they will perpetuate evil (and even perpetrate evil) in their effort to resist evil. And so, the sins of the father shall be visited upon the son, even unto the seventh generation.
Humanity will continue to repeat its worst nightmares as long as it resists its greatest opportunities for insight.
This is true for everyone on the planet, collectively and individually, and it is true of everything in life that you would resist. Another reason not to resist something is the knowledge that you, yourself, have put it there. If you see yourself as being at the effect of the life experience you are now having, rather than being at cause in the matter, you may be tempted to resist the incoming energy, thereby giving more power to it.
Experts in the soft monk form of martial arts understand this. They know that resisting the incoming negative energy is the surest way to empower it. So they move into the energy, going with the flow, and thus transmuting and dissipating the negative aspect of that energy and turning it into a force for good.
CwG says there are no victims and there are no villains. That is because we are, each of us, creating our own moment to moment reality. Even these words, coming at you right now, have been caused to be there by YOU at some level.
Do not, therefore, resist it. Rather, look at it, and decide what it means. For you, and only you, can give your meaning to the experiences and events of your life, and of this moment.


by: Doreen Virtue

Number Sequences Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you'll look up in time to notice the clock's time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you'll be aware that you're seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, your own angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, "What are you trying to tell me?" and they'll happily give you additional information to help decode their numeric meanings.

111 —— Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don't want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).

222 —— Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing
333 —— The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.

444 —— The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby

555 —— Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.

666 —— Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous "Sermon on the Mount," the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.

777 —— The angels applaud you¼¼congratulations, you're on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur.

888 —— A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, "The crops are ripe. Don't wait to pick and enjoy them." In other words, don't procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor.

999 —— Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, "Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now."

000 —— A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator's love within you. Also, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.