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Saturday, April 23, 2011


In the infinity of life where I am,
all is perfect, whole, and complete.
Each one of us, myself included, experiences the richness and fullness of life in ways that are meaningful to us.
I now look at the past with love and choose to learn from my old experiences.
There is no right or wrong, nor good or bad.
There is only the experience of the moment.
I love myself for being myself through this past into this present moment.
I share what and who I am,
for I know we are all one in Spirit.
All is well in my world.



1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day, if you are able. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.

3. When you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to ______ today.'

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured.

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds & walnuts.

6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive, present moment.

8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

9. Life is fair and good.

10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

12. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

14. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In one year, will this matter?'

17. Forgive everyone for everything.

18. What other people think of you is none of your business.

19. GOD heals everything.

20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements:
I am thankful for __________. 
Today I accomplished _________.

24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed

Friday, April 22, 2011



     My girlfriend Susan just called me . She was on her way to see a little pig that was hit by a car get operated on. We talked a while and somehow the subject of regrets came up.
She said  I should write about it so here I am at my computer searching for some regrets to write about.
     What is a regret? My definition of a regret is something you might have done that you are feeling sorry for now.
 I'm trying my best to remember any regrets I might have, but I can 't think of even one .
      The reason I know I do not have any regrets is because I have come to a time in my life on this earth where I have the realization that everything happens for a reason .       What that reason might be may not be apparent at this particular time, but there will be some day when we have that ah ha moment and we just know. You might say we get it.
     I also don't have any regrets because if I were to go back and change anything in my past I know I would not be the person I have become today.  It is almost like going back in a time machine and changing the past. If the past is somehow changed the future would not be the same. I would not be here writing this to you and you would not be here reading it.
     Who knows what might have transpired and what time line I would have taken. I also believe in parallel lives  so where would I have been today if I had not left my first husband and married my second one? What would I have been doing if I had not had my heart attacks? Would I have become a pig parent and gone into the healing field?  Would I have been able to find the courage to do what I did and go where I went had it not been for a pig that captured my heart and the heart of others?
     What would I have been doing if I had given in to the panic attacks that I was having after my near death experience? What if my attitude was like so many others that just give up on their lives just because something happened that made it tougher?
     Regrets No I have no regrets I have a full wonderful life because I used my life to help others and that is the secret . Find something that makes you passionate and run with it.
     Keep kicking yourself out of bed every morning no matter how bad you might feel. Find something that makes your life  meaningful .
Go to a nursing home and read to the patients, make lap blankets, write a letter for someone that can't write anymore.
Call a friend and make them laugh, Do anything you can to take your mind off your own problems and they won't seem so big. Whittle them down by doing good things whenever you can.
     So maybe there were regrets at some time in my life but I'll be dammed if I can recall them now.  I have too much good to think about. Now is my time to shine and I intend to shine on with all my heart and soul. With No Regrets..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Live Your Life Out Loud

Living your Life Out Loud

     I'm sure you have heard it said. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." Well I'm here to tell you it defiantly, unequivocally  is.
     It is not only the first day ,but it is the only day you are given in this space and time. We do not have tomorrow yet and yesterday is gone forever. Well for some people I know tomorrow will never be gone, because this is where they center all their attention and energy. They are stuck in gear and can't get the mind and emotions going to get to the next gear.
     Living your negative past over and over is the absolute worst thing anyone can do for their selves.
    It is so damaging to the self that it will eat away at you piece by piece until there is absolutely nothing left of the you that once lived in your heart and soul.      
     The you that was meant to be will be gone ,and if you do not look beyond what has been ,you will never experience the amazing things that are meant to be.. They will just pass on buy, and never be known to you because of your past life obsession.
     How do I know this you ask, well I was there at one time of my life. I was so obsessed at what had happened in the past I could not see the forest for the trees so to speak. I mourned everything and everyone until I had no tears left to shed. Then one day like  magic I realized what I was doing to myself and I had a rude awakening. It was the best thing that could ever have happened to me.
I woke up one day and realized that there was nobody on this earthly plain that could fix what was wrong except me. I was the one I was looking for.         
    What a joy it was to know that I had everything I needed right here inside me to make all my dreams come true.
   From that day on I looked to my higher being and started to listen to my heart instead of the nut in my head for the answers to all my problems. I was able to answer many questions and manifest everything I could ever imagine.
     I have come a very long way since that day and I am now living my life out loud in a beautiful enchanted place surrounded by every creature you could dream of. I have become who I was intended to be and I love who I have become. Just because I stopped living in the past.
     It is amazing what can and does happen when you stop dwelling on the negative and embrace the positive  that has been right in front of you all this time just waiting to be recognized for what it is.
     I always express the gratitude I feel for having gone through so many lessons in my life so I could arrive in this time and space. I am blessed to have been given many special gifts to use to help humanity and Mother Earth in this time of transition.
     We all need to take stock of what we can give not what we are missing, because if you look real hard you will see you really are not missing anything at all. It is all right there in front of you to use to help someone . Even if it is just a smile or a kind word or a laugh to share along the way to make things a little brighter on a cloudy day.
     Think outside the box use your God given gifts to lift someone up from the depths of despair. Too many today just glide along in the fog that is consuming them, and never give another thought to who might be in need of a random act of kindness. 
     Many years ago when I was a pet partner of my Pig Reggie we performed many random acts of kindness and it lifted our souls to heights unknown . We soared all the way home from the nursing home . Reggie has passed into spirit now, but I will never forget the lessons she taught me in those days we were together as a team. She taught me love, compassion, courage and she gave me strength to go on without her.
     She taught me that it doesn't matter what you look like even a  little  pig can bring a smile to the face of someone living in their last homely place.
She taught me how to laugh and how to cry. She gave me memories I will cherish and lessons I will never forget to take forward  on my journey now in my last homely place here in my enchanted woods.
   So If you truly need to look back once in a while only look at what makes you happy not what does not matter now. 
     Take the good lessons you learned and apply them to today and always try real hard to live your life out loud. 
     Life is way to short to be looking over your shoulder at what used to be. Take time to see what is here in the present and you might just find yourself. The self you have been looking so hard for.

Bright Blessings


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dragon Totem


Protection, Elemental Magic Powers of Change and Transformation        

Dragon represents the supernatural,  infinity itself and the spiritual powers of change and transformation.  It is a fierce protector and adds extra power to any magic you may perform.       

Fire Dragon Transmutation, Mastery, Energy  This powerful totem brings vitality, enthusiasm and courage. He will help you overcome obstacles and give you qualities of leadership and mastery. He can fuel your inner fires. He can be a powerful protector.   

Air Dragon Inspiration, Insight, Vitality  This totem must be treated with great respect. Great flashes of illumination in intellect and psyche are possible with this totem. The air dragon brings insight and clarity to all problems. Trust your inner voice.  

Earth Dragon Power, Potential, Riches  This totem shows us our potential, our riches: what we are capable of. With his help, we can discover the beauty and power that lies in all of us. He lives deep within the Earth and can help you ground scattered energies.  When you call him, think of a slow moving, heavy Dragon pulling himself toward you.  Feel his weight around you.  He will nurture you as Mother Earth does.  

Water Dragon Passion, Depth, Connection   A water dragon totem brings memories and wishes, perhaps long hidden, to the surface. By facing painful past experiences, we can achieve a sense of peace and balance in our lives. This totem gives us the courage and compassion in this challenge.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Opening of the Elven Gate


Elven Star Gate Opening Prayer

We of the Elvin blood here in the enchanted

mountains of the Poconos, thank the Elf Masters for

 your support and blessings for this opening of our

permanent star gate.

I My Lady Becky Fire Elf Shimmer invoke every Diva

 and Elemental here to be a part of this historic


I also invoke  The Great Spirit ,Jesus and the Angelic

Realm as well as the Ascended Masters, I invoke the

Whale Energy along with the Dolphin Energy to be

here to greet those of the Elvin Hierarchy who choose

to return to this blessed place of honor at this time. I

also invoke Reiki Energy for our highest good and the

highest good of all. I call on the Violet Flame to purify

and light the way for all to see .

I invoke the help and participation of my crystal skull

family to hold the different directional points and to

clear the way for a positive entry into this dimension

at this time and place.

Please bless us Great Spirit ,and watch over us as we

intend to usher only positive energies into being

through this star gate at this time and any time

there after that we invoke the opening of this magical


Hold the energies pure and bless it with love of the

highest vibration for all who arrive here at my last

homely place.

I welcome you with open arms and heart link with

you for eternity along with My Pigs Pepper and

Willow , and my Angelic pig Reggie , my Skull family

and my Old Man tree myForest family ,my Fairies and

Divas ,my Elf Master Anikin , My Queen Noni , my

Jini's , Brownie and my Leprechaun are here to bid

you Welcome . I intend and so it is..

Blessings of White Light I give to you as I remain In

your service always,

 Your Lady Rebecca Fire Elf Shimmer

Shamanic Drumming

By Michael Drake
Estimated to be between 20,000 and 30,000 years old, shamanic drumming is considered one of the oldest methods for healing. Practiced in diverse cultures around the planet, this technique is strikingly similar the world over. Shamanic drumming uses a single, repetitive rhythm played at a tempo of three to four beats per second. Although sounding quite simple and redundant, the unique connection between the drum and the shaman gives this drumming great power, richness, and depth.
The sound of the drum is very important. It is the subtle variations in timbre and ever-changing overtones of the drum that allow the shaman to communicate with the spiritual realm. Part of the shaman's training involves learning to hear and interpret a larger range of frequencies than the normal person can. The shaman listens and finds the right tone, the right sound to which the spirits will respond. Through the many tones, pitches, and harmonics of the drum, the shaman communes with the subtle and normally unseen energies of the spirit world, which is the web of life itself.
Tuvan shamans believe that the spirits of nature create their own sound world, and it is possible for humans to communicate with them through the sound of the drum. Tuva (southern Siberia) is one of the few places in the world where the shamanic heritage has remained unbroken. Tuvan shamans use the drum to convey to the spirits of a place their greetings, any requests, and thanks. It is a spiritual practice designed to help human beings relate to all of nature.
Drumming opens the shaman's inner, spiritual ears and eyes and also calls the helping spirits. As Tuvan musicologist Valentina Suzukei explains, "By changing and listening to the frequencies and overtones of the drum, the shaman is able to send messages to, and receive them from, both the spirit world and the patient. For example, the shaman might use the overtones to send signals to the sky, where they provoke a voice from the cosmos; in turn, the cosmic signals are caught on the drum and reflected to the shaman through the creation of subsequent overtones." The shaman builds a sonic landscape which interacts with the natural world.
Functions of the Shamanic Drum
The primary cross-cultural function of shamanic drumming is to induce altered states of consciousness for both journey and embodiment trances. Shamanism is the intentional effort to acquire and nurture ongoing relationships with personal helping spirits by journeying into realms where the spirits dwell. The reason for developing personal relationships with spirit helpers is to gain wisdom, healing techniques, and other vital information that can benefit the community. It is this direct contact with spirit and the use of the trance state that distinguishes the shaman from other practitioners.
When a spirit is invoked, there is often an accompanying rhythm that evolves. Shamans frequently use specific rhythms to summon their helping spirits for the work at hand. Shamans may have a repertory of established healing rhythms to treat a variety of conditions, or improvise a new rhythm, uniquely indicated for the situation.
"From the shaman's perspective, the drum is used to call on his or her helping spirits for entry into and support in the spirit world. The drumbeat also serves as an anchor, or lifeline, that the shaman follows to return to his or her body and/or exit the trance state when the trance work is complete. The other specific uses of the drum are diverse and determined by culture. Each culture has its own pattern of rhythms that serve the different functions of ritual and ceremony."
Drumming Promotes Healing
Like the colors of the rainbow, each culture has its own hue or identity, yet each is a part of the whole. Although the function or intent may differ from culture to culture, rhythmic drumming invariably has the same power and therapeutic effects in all traditions. The resonant qualities and attributes of these rhythmic phenomena are universal and come into play whenever we drum. The sound waves produced by the drum impart their energy to the resonating systems of the body, mind, and spirit, making them vibrate in sympathy. When we drum, our living flesh, brainwaves, and spiritual energy patterns begin to vibrate in response.
Science is now verifying the therapeutic effects of drumming. Recent medical research studies indicate that drumming boosts the immune system and produces natural pleasurable experiences, enhanced awareness of preconscious dynamics, a release of emotional trauma, and reintegration of self. Other studies have demonstrated the calming, focusing, and healing effects of drumming on Alzheimer's patients, autistic children, emotionally disturbed teens, substance abusers, trauma patients, and prison and homeless populations. Study results demonstrate that drumming is a valuable treatment for stress, fatigue, anxiety, hypertension, headaches, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, and sleep and emotional disorders.